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Design Thinking at Scale

Multi-Site Bio Profile Template UI

Create a stakeholder biography page template that will blend seamlessly with the brands of each of the 95+ Carson Partner websites, support a range of information that varies from person to person, with the aim of making these pages more dynamic and search-friendly.

Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
What this says about me...
  • Considers the big picture and the small details
  • Rises to enterprise-level design challenges
  • Synthesizes business goals and user needs
  • Considers secondary stakeholder needs
  • Collaborates with strategists and developers

Visual Designer


Director of Web Stratedy, Web Developer


Sketch | Zeplin


Carson Group provides professional services to financial advisor firms, including website design and management. The sites are primarily template based with the option for some customization. 

Objective from the creative brief: 

Improve SEO rankings for Carson Wealth and for our Partners by improving our Team Member/Author pages by merging the two different pages into one profile page for each advisor/thought leader and including more information about each to include relevant keyword strategy. Improve SEO rankings for Thought Leaders by creating a robust profile that can be linked out to more internal and external content and publications.

This is how we do it








Market Position



Prototype & Test


— discover —

User Research Summary

The users for this template could be divided into three distinct groups:

  1. Financial advisors who are sharing their biography information on their website.
  2. Web designers, developers, and administators who would input the information.
  3. Potential financial advisory clients who are searching for information about an advisor.

User Stories

Jamie     As a financial advisor who wants to build my book of business, I want to share important credentials and showcase my personality, so that potential clients will trust me to advise them.

Chelsea     As a digital marketing specialist who sometimes updates advisors information on their websites, I want to easily understand where to add or remove each type of input, so that I can work efficiently and not have to ask for help.

Susan     As a person seeeking a financial advisor, I want to learn about what different advisors do and their values, so that I can decide if they are a good fit to help me manage my finances.

— define —

Pain Points

Inconsistent Biographies

Information provided in each bio varied widely making comparrisons difficult.

Not Scannable

Bio text was long form and had to be read to compare one advisor to another.

Missing Keywords

Search terms that would help a person find an advisor were rarely used in existing bios.

Goal Statement

Create a bio template that would convey information well for all stakeholders, from an intern to the most credentialed stakeholder, and adapt seamlessly to the brand palette of every existing and new partner website while conforming to the current look and feel of the existing web templates while including the options to showcase the most requested bio customizations.

Value Proposition

By creating a robust profile that includes SEO optimized keywords in a scannable and comparable format, we increase the value of the stakeholder bio pages by making them more easily found, consumed, and evaluated. 

— design —


This project had plenty of iteration, but due to lack of formal UX training, this project skipped over the sketching and wireframe stages and went straight into mockups. Here are a few of the early versions:

Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices

Stress Testing

Once a direction was chosen and approved by the director of web strategy, I wanted to “stress test” the design to make sure that we had considered how the page would look under extreme cirecumstances and somewhere in the middle.  Making the elements modular allows them to collaps or expand to great effect. The first sentence in the bio is dynamically generated by inputs in order to create a search optimized call out right at the top of the page.

Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
  • Short name
  • No credentials
  • Brief bio
  • Short experience
  • Minimal education
  • One location
  • No extras
Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
  • Medium length name
  • Two credentials
  • Video 
  • Moderate length bio
  • Moderate experience
  • Advanced education
  • Certifications
  • One location
  • Social Links
  • Professional Memberships
  • Awards
  • Specified services
  • Expertise
  • Images
  • Blog entries
Schedule Squared mobile app sales website shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
  • Long name
  • Many credentials
  • Video
  • Long bio
  • Favorite quote
  • Advanced experience
  • Advanced education
  • Many Certifications
  • Multiple location
  • Social Links
  • Professional Memberships
  • Awards
  • Specified services
  • Expertise
  • Target Audience
  • Images
  • Blog entries

The Other User Experience

The back end, where information is filled out. This was created by the developer on the team. We collaborated on the types of inputs that might make this complicated process easier for administrators that might not be comfortable with WordPress. 

— reflect —


This bio template has since been developed and rolled out into beta testing. Now it is available to any of the partner sites that choose to implement it. This template is also the default template for new partner site designs. 

Having a more robust bio template has changed the way that information is gathered for new bios, allowing us to enhance each stakeholders individual listing to their desired degree. 

Unfortunately, no key performance indicators (KPI) were set or followed up on in order to determine the actual impact this might have had on search engine optimization (SEO) for these profiles.

What I learned

Understanding all of the user groups and their distinct needs and expectations is tremendously helpful in creating a successful product. 

Having some knowledge of SEO had an impact on my approach to this project. Never underestimate the cross-pollination of knowledge and ideas to bolster innovation.

In hindsight, initial paper wireframes and digital wireframes could have saved me a lot of time. Knowing what I know now, I would have asked for some user testing early in the process and requested KPIs and a delineated timeline for assessing the effectiveness of the project. 

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